Still I Rise

Still I Rise by Maya Angelou, is about self empowerment and belief with yourself and your experiences, but mostly about Maya’s experiences of overcoming oppression and for love in one’s culture. “you may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies”- Angelou is saying that you can write her and her experiences down in a book or tell her story, but the writers assume a lot of things that the writers don’t actually know and make the story of the experiences worse.

I think Maya Angelou wrote this poem because she is putting down her experiences with overcoming oppression. Maya Angelou expressed and showed how much power she has. ” does my haughtiness offend you?”- meaning does Angelous facial expression (resting bitch face) offend people that now look up too Angelou.

Maya Angelou’s poem “Still I Rise,” published in 1978, expresses the empowering message to rise above hate and pain. The poem has many repeated structures.

“i’m a black ocean, leaping and wide”- you can’t move or stop and ocean but you can stop a river or move a lake, but what Angelou is saying is that Maya is powerful and you can’t stop her.

(I havent started on other task sorry :()

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